Gauldal Viederegaende Skole

Gauldal vgs. Is an upper secondary school located in Storen in Midtre Gauldal Municipality in Sor-Trondelag County. It is located about 50 km south of Trondheim, the biggest town in the middle of Norway. The school is run by Sor-Trondelag County and it is a non-profit public institution. The school has been built in 2010 and has one of the most modern school buildings in the area. Gauldal vgs. Is a typical Norwegian combined school combining programmes for general studies and programmes for vocational education. The school provides 7 different vocational programmes and the study specialisation programmes. Gauldal vgs. Has about 350 students aged 16-21, staff counts about 70. The school is closely connected to the local community, so most of students are from the school neighbourhood, but gunsmithing is a nationwide program with students from across the country. Students choosing the study specialisation program are attending school for 3 years while vocational students are first two years at school and last two years in enterprise. This education leads to vocational competence with or without a craft or a journeyman´s certificate.
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Project - Norway, Italy, Czech Republic - 2017/2019
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