- Letś  Explore Our Natural Treasure-

Project 2017 - 2019

This project is funded by
the European Union

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project is aimed at cosmopolitan awareness of the natural treasure and heritage, its variety and common features and characteristics. Through participation in this project, we wish to encourage cooperation and intercultural communication and strengthen the sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for other people and their environment. Pupils will become more open-minded and interested in other cultures and their natural environment and its protection through the experiences gained in the project.

 A motto for the project


The subject of this project are national parks in completely different countries and climatic zones and it will have following basic topics which the students and teachers will deal with and include into the final products.

Project outputs

Letś Explore Our Natural Treasure
Project - Norway, Italy, Czech Republic - 2017/2019
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